Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Works for me Wednesday

Well, ever since I was considering starting a blog I was really excited about joining Works For Me Wednesday and guess what day it is today? Yup!

Today's tips are supposed to be about online stores/shopping. I cannot tell you how much i luv shopping and shopping online, where I can shop in my pj's, with no bra on and with 2 different slippers is just the icing of a very big, very gooey chocolate cake. ( what if that's what I'm wearing right at this moment? :P )

Back to the topic at hand; my recommendation for online store is Amazon. I adore Amazon. Not only because they have so many things for sale (so many) but also because once you're a customer they have the "Treasure Box" which has different really marked down specials and deals for you everyday. I really like buying books from Amazon as well because they are usually lower than at the bookstore and I've gotten lots of hardcover books for paperback prices. So that's what works for me!
Take a peek at Shannon's website( for more great tips.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

We are the champions...

We won, we won, we won won won !!! WooHoo!!!
Well, I've finally gotten that out of my system. It was a great game and even though I only watched the 4th quarter and understood even less of it we had a great time here in my house. My parents, brothers and cousins came over; we had pizza, buffalo wings, nachos, chips...etc. It was great!

Changing the subject, we've been having really crappy weather around here lately. Last week we got lots of snow, we got snow over the weekend, yesterday was really, really foggy and soggy and it's just been plain craptastic. Now don't get me wrong, I love watching the snow come down and settle over the trees and bushes as much as the next person but I don't really enjoy driving in it. As for the rain, I don't mind driving in it, but I do mind getting to my car and it's in the middle of a swimming pool. Let me explain: the parking lot at work has a real drainage problem meaning that when it rains the middle of the parking lot turns into one of the lakes that Illinois has so many of. Well, yesterday morning, it wasn't raining and I was running late (as usual) so I just parked in the closest parking spot to the door (which let me tell you was not that close) and ran inside. Well, since I was running late I didn't get to make myself any lunch so I had to run out at lunchtime to go to McDonalds. I ran out and my car was smack dab in the middle of a swimming pool. Since it had rained, there was lots of melting snow and then the drainage problem I was telling you about I felt my car needed some sort of scuba diving mission to get to. Needless to say I was not wearing boots and my feet and socks got very wet. I think I resigned myself and just walked pretty fast to my door and tried to get in as dry as possible (which unfortunately was not very dry at all, can anyone say Athlete's foot???)

Sunday, February 3, 2008

For all you football fans out there

Well, I didn't hang up my clothes. They're still in a pile on a sofa in my bedroom...but, I did clean my bathroom and if that's not a start damnit I don't know what is. I know this for sure though, I know that I have to get at least the 1st floor of my house clean because we're having a SuperBowl party tonight!

Now, I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY by Mexican parents. Football was never a part of my life; futbol was, but not football. Then I moved to Illinois and the Chicago Bears were going to the Superbowl and then everybody everywhere I looked started wearing blue and orange. Then all of a sudden it was bring your team colors to school day at my Chicka's school and wear your Bears gear to work day and even my 50 yr old Mexican mom got into the spirit of things and bought herself an orange t-shirt and wore it to work. It was crazy I tell you. I've never watched football before, don't really understand it but here we were last year holding an improptu party with McDonald's 99 cents double cheeseburgers, small fries and some soda. Throughout the whole party my hubby, who was the only person present who really understood the game, gave us the play by play in simple understandable form to us. Yes, the Bears lost but a tradition was born.

So this year the New York Giants are playing the Patriots and yes, I know that we're the underdogs here but there's always hope. Go Giants!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

My First Post

Well, this is my first post ever on my first blog ever (I don't know if MySpace counts or not but anyway, that's private and this is not) I have been wanting to join the blogging world for some time now but just never had the guts, but now I've finally gone and done it.

Let me start by introducing myself: I'm Crystal and I'm 26 years old. I live in Illinois but was born and raised in NYC so moving here was a big change for me...for us. I have a husband and a 6 year old son both named Robert and both pains in the butt most of the time, but they do have their good moments.

I will strive to write as poignantly (is that even a word?) and as witty as some of my favorite bloggers (Dooce, Pioneer Woman, Mandajuice, and many others) and I will also try to keep up with some regular postings.

Today was a special day for us around here because 8" of snow later and we got a snow day. I particularly love snow days because I work in the school system and therefore get the day off as well (even though I don't like driving in the stuff or shoveling it off the driveway is not much fun either) But I got to spend the day lazying at home and thinking about all the stuff that I could get done while being home. Thinking being the key word in that sentence, seeing as how it's now 4:08pm and have not yet to lift a finger around her. But then again, that's what snow days are for...right?

I think I'll go off and hang up my clothes now.